What I'm up to:
- 07.12.2018 - I was invited to give a talk at the Bangor School of Psychology Seminar series in Wales
- 05.-08.10.2018 - I will present a poster at the fNIRS 2018 meeting in Tokyo, Japan
- 27.-28.09.2018 - I was selected to give a talk at the Social Cognition in Humans and Robots meeting in Hamburg, Germany
- 10.-14.09.2018 - I will give a talk at the 7th International Conference on Spatial Cognition ICSC 2018 in Rome, Italy
- 01.08.2018 - I will start on a position as Lecturer in Psychology at the IoPPN, King's College London
- 17.05.2018 - Accepted for publication: Our paper titled "Adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have atypical perception of ambiguous figures when bottom-up and top-down interactions are incongruous" has been accepted after peer-review by the journal Autism.
- 03.05. - 05.05.2018 - I will present a poster at the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society Meeting SANS , New York, USA
- 16.03.2018 - I will give a set of lectures for the Interdisciplinary College 2018 (spring school) - Theme: "Self and Others: Communication", in Günne at lake Möhne, Germany
- 01.02.2018 - I became a UCL accredited coach (UCL & Notion Business Coaching UK)
- 04.01.2018 - I gave a talk at the Experimental Psychology Society EPS meeting (pdf) in London
- 23.10.-25.10.2017 - I will attend the 1st conference of the Timing Research Forum (TRF) in Strasbourg, France - cancelled
- 20.09.2017 - I will be part of a symposium panel on "Embodiment and nonverbal synchrony in psychotherapeutic interaction" at the 4th Joint Conference SPR UK & European Chapters, Oxford, UK - cancelled
- 22.07-26.07.2017 - I will present a poster at the 7th Joint Action Meeting (JAM) in London, UK
- 12.07. - 14.07.2017 - I will present a poster at the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) meeting, Reading, UK
- 06.07.- 07.07.2017 - I will give a talk at the 3rd Workshop on Virtual Social Interaction (VSI) in Bielefeld, Germany
- 25.06.-01.07.2017 - I was selected to attend the "Aegina Summer School - The Social Brain : embodiment and culture", Aegina, Greece
- 07.12.2016 - I will be giving a talk at the Research Colloquium of the University Psychiatric Services, Bern, Switzerland
- 04.11.2016 - I will be demonstrating at the public event on Body Language: "Body Spectacular" at the Wellcome Collection, London, UK
- 06.09.2016 - I was invited to be part of a panel on discussing "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Autism" at Birkbeck University of London, UK
- 18.-19.07.2016 - I will attend the ESRC Shaping Autism Research Seminar at the UCL Institute of Education
- 10.10.-13-10.2016 - I will be part of a symposium on "Interacting Bodies: Philosophical and Neurocognitive Perspectives" at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP), St. Andrews, Scotland, UK
- 12.-13.07.2016 - Presenting a poster at the "2nd Virtual Social Interaction Workshop", MediaCity, Salford, UK
- 26.06.-02.07.2016 - I was selected to attend the "Aegina Summer School - Social Cognition: From Interactions to Intersubjectivity"
- 01.06.2016 - Start for Marie Sklodowska-Curie project INTERRHYTHM as I continue to work in the Hamilton Lab as postdoctoral fellow
- 22.01.2016 - I received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship grant
- 01.01.2016 - I am starting a position as a postdoctoral research associate at the Hamilton Lab at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, UK
- 25.-28.11.2015 - Giving a talk at the annual congress of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, DGPPN, Berlin, Germany
- 11.-17.10.2015 - I was selected to attend "The Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Cognition" Autumn School, Boltenhagen, Germany
- 08.10.2015 - Travel grant award by the Felgenhauer Foundation for the Promotion of Young Neuroscientists
- 14.09.2015 - Giving a talk on our lab's research at the colloquim "Self and Other Understanding: Research in Cognitive Science and Philosophy" at the 9th international conference GAP.9 of the German Society for Analytic Philosophy in Osnabrück, Germany
- 27.-28.08.2015 - Presenting a poster at the "Social Cognition: From Evolution to Applications" meeting at Bangor University, UK - trip cancelled
- 26.-28.07.2015 - I am co-organizing the workshop "Diversity of Social Cognition" #DoSC, at the University of Cologne, Germany
- 14.06.2015 - I was awarded a GlaxoSmithKline travel grant
- 09.06.2015 - I was awarded a UoC postdoc grant for a project on Interpersonal Coordination in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 13.-16.05.2015 - Presenting a poster at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City, USA
- 29.01.2015 - Giving a talk (in German) introducing the field of social neuroscience to high-school students at the "Wissenschaftstag Hirnforschung" of the "Schülerlabor" of the research center in Jülich
- 26.09.2014 - Presenting a poster at the NeuroVisionen 10 meeting at the Research Center Jülich, Jülich, Germany
- 04.-05.09.2014 - Presenting a poster at the London Virtual Social Interaction Workshop at UCL, London, UK
- 28.-29.08.2014 - Travel grant award/ Poster prize for my work and was selected to present it at the workshop "Social Cognition: Origins, Mechanisms and Disorders" at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
- 21.-23.07.2014 - I will take part in Antonia Hamilton's "Matlab for Psychologists" course at UCL in London, UK
- 12.-14.06.2014 - Presenting a poster at the "The Future of Social Cognition" meeting in Bochum, Germany
- 8.-12.06.2014 - Presenting a poster at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping meeting OHBM 2014 in Hamburg, Germany
- 11.05.2014 - Giving a talk at the DRUST (Digging for the roots of understanding) workshop in Lisbon, Portugal
- 8.-10.05. 2014 - Attending the EUROCORES Final conference in Lisbon, Portugal
- 14-18.04. 2014 - I was selected to attend the "Practical data analysis and modeling in cognitive and clinical neuroscience" workshop at Gent University, Belgium
- 14.-21.03. 2014 - Presenting a poster at the IK2014 spring school in Günne at lake Möhne, Germany
- 19.12.2013 - On this day at 9am I will defend my PhD thesis. Fingers crossed! - update: success! :)
- 14.11.2013 - The Munich University of Applied Sciences organized the 10th International Day on friday, 15th of November on the topic: "Intercultural Workplaces, Work Situations and Occupational Areas". On the eve of this event, I was invited to give a talk (in German) introducing the new field of cultural neuroscience.
- 08.2013 - My paper was selected paper of the month August at the Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine of the Research Center in Jülich