Kuschefski, M., Falter, C.M., Vogeley, K., Bente, G., Georgescu, A.L. Power Perception from Dyadic Interactions in High-Functioning Autism. Submitted. Arstila, V.*, Georgescu, A.L.*, Lunn, D., Noreika, V., Falter, C.M. Similarities and Differences of Simultaneity and Temporal Order Judgements in Human Vision. (*equally contributing). In prep. Dubey, I., Georgescu, A.L., Vogeley, K., Ropar, D., Hamilton, A. Distinct Neural Correlates of Social and Object Seeking Motivation. In prep. Kim, H.-J., Falter, C.M. Roth, D., Bente, G., Vogeley, K., Georgescu. A.L. Valence Appraisal from Nonverbal Emotional Body Movements in High-Functioning Autism. In prep. Georgescu, A.L., et al., Interpersonal Synchrony in Dyadic Interactions: Lessons from Autism and Typical Development. In prep. Georgescu, A.L., et al., A Comprehensive Investigation of Beat-Based Timing Abilities in High-Functioning Autism. In prep. Georgescu, A.L., et al., The Neural Correlates of the Subjective Experience of Social Interaction in High-Functioning Autism Using a Gaze-Contingent Joint Attention Paradigm. In prep. Georgescu, A.L., Vogeley, K. Cultural Universality and Diversity in Autism Spectrum Disorders - A Review. In prep. Georgescu, A.L., Kulbida, R., Jording, M., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Vogeley, K. Social Gaze in High-Functioning Autism: Impact of Perceived Gaze Direction and Duration on Gaze Behaviour in Individuals with High-Functioning Autism: An Eyetracking Study. In prep. PEER-REVIEW JOURNALS Intaite, M., Georgescu, A.L., Noreika, V., von Saldern, O.M., Vogeley, K., Falter, C.M. Adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have atypical perception of ambiguous figures when bottom-up and top-down interactions are incongruous. (2018). Autism. Accepted. Rohde, M.S., Georgescu, A.L., Vogeley, K.V., Fimmers, R., Falter, C.M. (2017). Absence of Sex Differences in Mental Rotation Performance in ASD. Autism. In press.. Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Roth, D., Bente, G., Vogeley, K. (2014). The use of virtual characters to assess and train nonverbal communication in high-functioning autism. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15;8:807. (pubmed) (pdf) Pfeiffer, U.J., Schilbach, L., Timmermans, B., Kuzmanovic, B., Georgescu, A.L., Bente, G., Vogeley, K. (2014). Why We Interact: On the Functional Role of the Striatum in the Subjective Experience of Social Interaction. NeuroImage, 1;101:124-37. (pubmed) (pdf) Krämer, K., Bente, G., Kuzmanovic, B., Barisic, I., Pfeiffer, U.J., Georgescu, A.L. & Vogeley, K. (2014). Neural Correlates of Emotion Perception Depending on Culture and Gaze Direction. Culture and Brain, 2, 27-51. (pdf) Kuzmanovic, B., Schilbach, L., Georgescu, A.L., Kockler, H., Santos, N.S., Shah, N.J., Bente, G., Fink, G.R. & Vogeley, K. (2014). Dissociating Animacy Processing in High-Functioning Autism: Neural Correlates of Stimulus Properties and Subjective Ratings. Social Neuroscience, 9(3), 309-325. (pubmed) (pdf) Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Schilbach, L., Tepest, R., Kulbida, R., Bente, G. & Vogeley, K. (2013). Neural Correlates of "Social Gaze" Processing in High Functioning Autism Under Systematic Variation of Gaze Duration. NeuroImage Clinical, 3(3), 340-351. (pubmed) (pdf) Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Santos, N.S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Tittgemeyer, M. & Vogeley, K. (2013). Perceiving Nonverbal Behavior: Neural Correlates of Processing Movement Fluency and Contingency in Dyadic Interactions. Human Brain Mapping, 35(4), 1362-1378. (pubmed) (pdf) Gawronski, A., Kuzmanovic, B., Georgescu, A., Kockler, H., Lehnhardt, F.-G., Schilbach, L., Volpert, K. & Vogeley, K. (2011). Erwartungen an eine Psychotherapie von erwachsenen Personen mit einer Autismus-Spektrum-Störung. Fortschritte der Neurologie – Psychiatrie, 79(11), 647-654. (pubmed) (pdf) Kuzmanovic, B., Georgescu, A.L., Eickhoff, S.B., Shah, N.J., Bente, G., Fink, G.R. & Vogeley, K. (2009). Duration matters: Dissociating neural correlates of detection and evaluation of social gaze. NeuroImage, 46, 1154-1163. (pubmed) (pdf) |
Georgescu, A.L. Social Gaze in High-Functioning Autism (HFA) - From Observation to Participation. Invited talk at the Research Colloquium of the University Psychiatric Services, Bern, Switzerland, December 2016. Georgescu, A.L. Social Interaction Research: Novel Methods and Lessons from High-Functioning Autism". Talk at the ESPP meeting 2016, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK, October, 2016. Georgescu, A.L. “What is the Neuroscience of Social Interaction?” (in German). Invited talk at the “Science Day for Brain Research” of the “Pupil Lab” of the Research Centre Jülich, " Jülich, Germany, January 2015. Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Santos, N.S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Tittgemeyer, M., Vogeley, K. Perceiving Nonverbal Behavior: Neural Correlates of Processing Movement Fluency and Contingency in Dyadic Interactions. Poster presented at the “Virtual Social Interaction Workshop”, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London, UK, September 2014 Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Santos, N.S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Tittgemeyer, M., Vogeley, K. Perceiving Nonverbal Behavior: Neural Correlates of Processing Movement Fluency and Contingency in Dyadic Interactions. Travel award winning poster presented at the “Social Cognition: Origins, Mechanisms and Disorders”, conference at the Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, August 2014. Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Schilbach, L., Tepest, R., Kulbida, R., Bente, G., Vogeley, K. Neural Correlates of “Social Gaze” Processing in High-Functioning Autism Under Variation of Gaze Duration. Poster presented at the „Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting (OHBM)“, Hamburg, Germany, June 2014. Georgescu, A.L. Investigating the Dynamics of Nonverbal Communication: Evidence from Neuroimaging in High-Functioning Autism and Typical Development. Talk at the conference “Digging for the Roots of Social Understanding (DRUST)”, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2014. Georgescu, A.L. The Relationship Between Brain and Culture from a Neuroscientific Perspective. Invited talk given at the 10th International Day at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich ("Intercultural Workplaces, Work Situations and Occupational Fields"), Munich, Germany, November 2013. Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Santos, N.S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Tittgemeyer, M., Vogeley, K. Neural Correlates of the Perception of Nonverbal Behavior Patterns in Communicative Interactions. Poster presented at the „Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting (OHBM)“, Beijing, China, June 2012. Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Santos, N.S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Tittgemeyer, M., Vogeley, K. Neural Correlates of the Perception of Culturally Different Interactive Nonverbal Behavior Patterns: an fMRI Study. Invited talk given at the workshop „Social and Cultural Cognition“, Cologne, Germany, July 2011. Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Eickhoff, S.B., Shah, N.J., Bente, G., Fink, G.R., Vogeley, K. Neural Correlates of “Social Gaze” Processing in Autism Under Systematic Variation of Gaze Duration and Gender. Talk given at one of the main symposia of the "Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde, DGPPN", Berlin, Germany, November 2010. Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Santos, N.S., Tepest, R., Bente, G., Tittgemeyer, M., Vogeley, K. Neural Correlates of the Perception of Culturally Different Interactive Nonverbal Behavior Patterns. Invited talk given at the workshop „Levels of Processing - Foundations of Social Cognition“, Bochum, Germany, September 2010. Georgescu, A.L., Kuzmanovic, B., Eickhoff, S.B., Shah, N.J., Bente, G., Fink, G.R., Vogeley, K. Neural Correlates of Gender-Specific Effects of „Social Gaze“ Under Systematic Variation of Gaze Duration and Gender. Poster presented at the „Social Cognitive Neuroscience“ conference, Maratea, Italy. February, 2009. |